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Global Inclusive Partners, Initiatives and Programs 

Erin Brown creates space for inclusion within health care services and the workplace

 After receiving an amputation, the access I enjoyed as a non disabled person was removed with the surgery. The current reality is people with disabilities face barriers, experienced increase inaccessibility the moment; they are living with a disability.

Yet, being the largest intersectional minority within the world. Inaccessibility impacts innovation, sustainability and profitability of all stakeholders.  


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Diversity, Equity and Disability Inclusion  Training, Programs and Events. 

 Are you interested in providing training, programs and events that are accessible and inclusive?

Contact us today to organize your group and customise your disability awareness and inclusive  development and guidance.

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She’s empowering people with disabilities to engage, to be aware of their rights, whether that’s in employment, in making health services more disability-friendly, or in getting people with disabilities at the forefront of planning,”

Antony Duttine, Advisor, Disability and Rehabilitation for the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)

Story-Book Entertainment Inc

In her own words she is bold, humble and feminine. 

I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night

All people and communities should have access to health care wherever they are and whenever they need it, regardless of their financial circumstances. This means involving all sectors of society to fight poverty, social injustice, educational gaps and poor living conditions, which are among the factors that influence people’s health.”

Anselm Hennis, director of PAHO’s Department of Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health

Disability Inclusion Coverage 



Caribbean Collabs

“For me the word ‘suffer’ holds no weight when speaking about my cancer, amputation, or any other illness or incident. I did not ‘suffer’ . I overcame and now live in a community that has always existed. Our cancer journeys are unique, each is designed for growth,” says Erin.

Story-Book Entertainment, Inc
A Bahamian mother transforms cancer into inspiration

Erin Brown often thinks of her mother, a vibrant woman who lost her life to lupus in 1998. From the ages of 12 to 17, Erin watched her mother fight cancer until her last breath. So when Erin learned in 2004 that she also had been diagnosed with a serious disease, advanced osteosarcoma, she prepared herself for a battle.

PAHO Disability Feature
Inclusive Disaster & Emergency Preparedness, Response, Recovery and Relief

Persons with disabilities are especially vulnerable when disaster strikes not only due to aspects of their disabilities, but also because they are more likely, on average, to experience adverse socioeconomic outcomes than persons without disabilities, including higher poverty rates.

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